Getting It All In, Part 2

Saturday was another busy day. First I started out with a haircut. Believe it or not, it was getting too long…well just the parts that had hair, they were getting a little wild. But as you can see, my hair is finally starting to grow back! I’m so excited to see the hair grow in, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever. It’s been five months of hair loss, so it’s such a relief to be on the other side of that equation! Now if only my eyebrows would catch up!

And thanks to Theresa for making it look beautiful again!

After the haircut came the final Princeton football game. I’m so glad I was able to attend one more game since I was sick in bed for all but one other game. And this was a game to remember…down to the final 20 seconds, it was incredible! 

Finally Matt and the kids and I went to our local museum for an escape room challenge. The kids actually had fun and we made more memories as a family, I couldn’t be happier. 

Today I spent the day resting at home. My digestion again took a turn for the worst, I needed to give myself the rest my body needed. Tomorrow is another big day - another MRI. I’ve been trying not to think about it and figure I’ll face it when I get there rather than fret over it and stress myself in advance. I just pray it goes smoothly, that I don’t panic, and that the results are good news. 

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