
Today is Easter Sunday, but it’s also “…a special moment among the three Abrahamic faith traditions–Judaism, Christianity and Islam–as major annual observances will overlap this year.” This only happens three times a century! Read about it here -

As I suspected, I was more tired today. I wasn’t expecting a middle of the night wake up from the boy, so that contributed to the extra exhaustion. But I spent the day cooking a lovely lunch of delicious food that came together at the last minute. Then I had piano practice and put together a Lego set. I finished the evening with a roasted and pickled veggie salad. Overall it was a peaceful and restful day.

I never even made it outside of the house, so hopefully tomorrow I can bounce back with some energy and take advantage of the sunshine. 

My prayer for you today is the same for me…that whatever you’re going through, that you would find even a pinhole of hope and hold on to it. Never let go. Darkness has descended upon humanity forever, but we have managed to survive because of hope. Do not be discouraged, even when you’re blind, even when your skin hurts, even when you’re scared and want to cry. Hold on, don’t give up. This life is a precious gift to be loved and lives to the fullest, don’t let it go. 


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