
I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old and my brother and his best friend thought it would be hilarious to hold me down and tickle me to death. It wasn’t hilarious at all.

I remember when I was 11 years old and I was flying home from a trip to Aruba. It was the closest to the equator I had gone and my pale white skin was scorched by the sun, a proper second degree burn, and on the plane, the air from overhead blowing on my face felt like I was being stabbed by 1000 needles. 

Well, for the past three weeks I’ve been experiencing what I can only describe as neuropathy on my whole torso down to my hip joints. My skin feels tingly, itchy, and  sunburned all at the same time. Every time my shirt brushes against my skin. I’m immediately brought back to that tickle torture. It’s all day and night my skin is on fire and it’s exhausting. 

I don’t have any skin issues, no rash just super sensitive skin to any touch. 

Needless to say, I have felt extremely overstimulated. Perhaps this is what is causing my extreme fatigue. The past few days I haven’t been able to keep my eyes open, while watching TV, reading a book, or as a passenger in the car…so very tired, it’s unexplainable I’ve had to take naps just to make it to evening time.


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