Don’t Stop Me Now

Yes, that title is in reference to the Queen song - listen here - because I spent the last 24 hours complaining about my circumstances, but that’s not going to stop me. I have to move forward, I have to keep going, no matter what. So today I took the bull by the horns and drove my car. First to the convenience store, then I took the girl to a friend’s house, then I picked her up, and then I drove into Princeton! Of course I drove extra cautiously, turning my head around more than usual, making sure I was very aware of my surroundings. But I did it. I had a wonderful night out with my mom to see a play - and of course she did the drive back home in the dark. That’s a challenge I’m not ready for yet. 

I have to keep living (with some venting and complaining interspersed every now and then). Thank you for listening. 


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