Au Café

I had the privilege of meeting a lovely friend this afternoon au café, at the local coffee shop. My friend is French and we talked about how the café is embedded in the French cultural experience, kids meeting up after school, friends and dates midday, it’s a very normal French experience. Even though the weather was gloomy, cold, and rainy, I walked there and seeing her smile was like a ray of sunshine! I was so happy to catch up and hear about life outside of my world. I know people think I have a lot going on, and I do, and it kind of consumes my life, I also know that everyone else also has a life and things happening to them, for better or for worse, and I want to still be a part of all of that too. It’s not a burden, I promise. If there’s one thing that I’ve been learning in this time at home, it’s how to balance the stress of the outside world so that it doesn’t consume me and bring me down from my place of healing. 

So any time you want to meet up for a bite to eat, or a delicious cappuccino at the local café, I’d be happy to get together! I want to know what’s happening outside of my own stuff! 

Getting my steps in on a rainy day


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