Give it a Break

Yesterday I sat outside and soaked up copious amounts of vitamin D. The sunshine was so strong and warm and energized my soul (the cool breeze helped too). I’ve continued my spring cleaning regiment by picking a new spot of the house to empty out and reorganize, but my energy is waning. The excess food and steroid is interfering with my sleep too, my exhaustion level today is at an all-time high, like I’m sleep-walking. 

So I spent some time in the recliner (the place where I’ll be sleeping again in a few months after my surgery), and I gave my right eye a break while reading a book. I’ve been wearing a contact in my right eye only so I can see for distance and my left eye I use for reading, so occasionally you can see me switching eyes, giving the other one a break. I’m the one that needs the break, of course. Taking care of my health has been a full time job and I couldn’t be more grateful to have the opportunity to do it, otherwise I’d be down river without a paddle, ready to drown. So I have a lot to be thankful for, I know. But I’m still working on the hopefulness part…it could still be weeks before my vision is restored and that’s just so discouraging. Tomorrow will be 8 weeks…2 months that I’ve been like this, that I’ve needed to wear a patch, that I haven’t been able to drive, that I’ve been stared at by strangers, and I’m tired of it. Exhaustion level: all-time high. 


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