
Phew. What a long and active day. We started the day with a walk around town. That turned into a walk around another town after lunch and ice cream. Then a walk around Target and the supermarket…I got over 15,000 steps today! I might regret that tomorrow (I’ve been tracking my day-after-activity status to see if I’m extra exhausted the next day), but the low-intensity exercise is good for me no matter what. My goal is to also add some moderate weight training to build back my muscle and strength, but baby steps. 

My body doesn’t feel the same. Something is off, but I’m not sure why or what it is. Since Wednesday my skin has felt weird, but only on my right side, and only from my port to just below my hip, like a box has been drawn on me. Bizarre. It feels like my skin is itchy, irritated, on fire and sensitive to touch, but no rash or outward signs of anything. Could it have been the antibiotic I took on Tuesday? No clue. It’s been challenging to swallow lately without a drink on hand; I feel the food getting stuck deep in my esophagus. Could this be the MG? No clue. Do I worry about it? Sometimes. Do I try to just press on with life as usual? Sure do. 

Speaking of life as usual, I’ll let you in on a little secret…(sshhhh) I drove my car today for the first time in two months!!! Just down the road to pick up the kids (don’t worry, I was accompanied by an adult!) but how free I felt to be able to drive again. I was extra cautious, checking all around me with my one eye. This might be the beginning of a new adventure. Baby steps. 


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