No Quick Fix

I have a lot on my mind with my diagnosis and next steps. There are a lot of unknowns and I just don’t know how long this will last. This weekend will be six weeks since my double vision has started. I haven’t been able to drive my own car for a month and a half. I feel trapped and frustrated and there’s no quick fix. I spoke with the neuro-ophthalmologist this evening and he is going to taper the prednisone up and then down. He said I may not see results, still, for several weeks. It’s discouraging. So discouraging. He was optimistic because he says this is manageable. I’ll believe it when I “see” it! 

For these down moments, a nap on the sofa is called for to re-energize the body and mind for good thoughts. 

And also because when I’m surrounded by sick people (my sick family!) I have to stay healthy! Lord knows I don’t need one more thing!


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