More Appointments

How many appointments can you have in one day? It can be exhausting, especially for my caregivers, but I'm so grateful that with each appointment I get one step closer to answers. 

I started out the day with an ultrasound of my armpit. At my last CT scan, they noticed a lump in my armpit and thought it should be investigated. My oncologist suggested it was a seroma, as did the lymphatic PT, which is basically a fluid-filled sac that develops in the hollow spaces after a surgery. Since I was opened up and some lymph nodes were removed, this small lump developed in that space. The report already came out and pretty much confirmed it. Now that's fast service!

This afternoon I had an EMG performed, an electromyography. This was to check the nerve-neuron connection and investigate some minor neuropathy in my toes. The shocks were overwhelming at times, which is why my hands are cupped, as I kept tapping myself out of the situation. I had electrical shocks through a device, but also through a fine needle stuck into my legs. Yikes! But before I knew it, it was over. I'm hoping all of these tests yield some results. 

I'm still waiting on the bloodwork from two weeks ago to look for the myasthenia gravis antibodies. I have no concrete answers on that yet, and the medicine is not working to make my eyes better. I'm only left with stomach pains and diarrhea on an all-day basis with no cure for my eyes. It's incredibly frustrating because I'm trapped in my house, I cannot drive anywhere on my own to help myself or my family. I feel imprisoned by my blindness and so very helpless. The report has already been posted for the brain MRI I had on Monday, and apparently my brain looks good from what I can tell. Thank God, because I don't have much more going for me these days except for my brain!


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