La Belle et la Bête

I’ve never spent so much time with myself before. I never liked being by myself so much, I always preferred to be in the company of others. But lately I’ve been happy by myself. I’ve been transformed, in a way. I’ve become much like the Beast. I don’t want to let others get to know me. I don’t want to have to explain myself. I think my spastic behaviors will frighten people. I’m comfortable at home, near the bathroom, near my bed, near some food. Everywhere else feels like a challenge. I don’t want any more challenges. Not right now. So I’m isolated in my castle. Much like the Beast, I am sensitive, I have feelings, I have a family that I love. But life has kind of turned on me and left me feeling alone and angry… I love how the story ends because I’m a sucker for a happy ending. I hope my fairytale ending comes soon. 


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