Radiation #11

Today marked more than half of my radiation, I only have 9 more to go. 

I did wake up early today, I've been having trouble with some stuffiness, so maybe it was a one-off kind of day, but I was EXHAUSTED. It was the kind of tired that I hadn't felt since chemo, like the "I can't get off the sofa" kind of tired. I just sat there and knew that I needed to just give in because my eyes were going to close whether I liked it or not. So I succumbed to a hard nap, right where I was sitting. 

It didn't give me tons of energy, but it was much needed. I managed to make some roasted butternut squash soup, which warmed my belly. And I ate three solid food meals today, so that's another bonus, even if they were very small portions. I also worked with a very knowledgeable nutritionist this evening who gave me some more advice on managing my gastroparesis, loading up on healthy calories, and supplementing my potential nutrient deficiency. 

Overall it was a good day, despite not being able to see well. Tomorrow I visit the retinal specialist and hopefully I can begin taking the medicine to help clear up this vision problem. Hopefully.


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