Welcome Back Infusion Day

The alarm this morning was jarring, but I managed to get myself up and going, despite the stomach pains and exhaustion. A quick smoothie of almond milk, banana, avocado and coconut oil and out the door to work. 

The first student ran into my arms and hugged me, which was a wonderful welcome back. The children were lovely and working with them was easy, thank God, because I was wiped. It took every ounce energy to get through half of the day. 

I left early in order to make it to my infusion. I spoke with the oncologist and he was so surprised to hear that I’m not doing well at all. He said my blood work looks great and my heart echo was also good. But I’ve had a near constant stomachache since December 9th! I mentioned that I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist and thankfully I’ve connected with the best circle of doctors because he knew him and said he would call him to speed up my appointment, currently scheduled for end of January! I might see him this week! I need to get an endoscopy to rule out an ulcer (which I told my mother a doctor had suggested 20 years ago when I had IBS, but I was too chicken to do it! But after all I’ve been through, what’s another sedation and exploration inside my body??) 

So I’m making progress, and hopefully one step closer to answers/healing, and the additional hydration today should help me feel at least a little bit better. 

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