Llama Llama

For a brief moment last night my stomach actually felt good after my hydration, which makes sense because dehydration can lead to cramping. But it was short lived when I woke up this morning at 4am with stomach pains. I tried desperately to fall back to sleep because if there’s anything you need to herd 20 kittens all day, it’s enough sleep, but to no avail, my body would not cooperate.

I managed with the little sleep to survive the long day from 7:30-4, but truth be told, I did crash into a deep sleep at the acupuncturist’s this evening. It’s always amazing what the body can do, it’s just about getting the mind on board when your body doesn’t want to (or barely can)…but one foot in front of the other, slow and steady wins this race. It helps when your husband gives you a microwaveable llama for Christmas that you can use at work to heat your sour tummy!

While I’m trying to get through the week, I’m also balancing my appointments, and thankfully I got a call from the gastroenterologist’s office today and they got me in for tomorrow! I’m waiting on baited breath to find out what could possibly be wrong with me. One step closer…like I said, slow and steady. 

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