Hospital Stay #4

At 10:30 pm, they decided to move me to another room on another floor. I could have been flustered, but like much of what life has brought me these days, I just decided to roll with it. The new crew was very accommodating and kind, and I settled in quickly. I slept pretty well in my upright seated position, with no nausea or pain. This morning I had just one moment of heaving but that was after taking my medicine on an empty stomach so to be expected. I kept my breakfast down without a hitch (chicken broth) and calmly waited for the doctor to discharge me. However, mid morning I had a visit from both the hospitalist and the GI doctor. They both agreed that I should stay one more night, especially for observation. I have made good gains but I am still too weak. So I had broth for lunch and attempted to eat a more solid meal for dinner. That was too much of a challenge for my stomach and I’m currently regretting my attempt.  God willing I can sleep well tonight and have strength in the morning to finally go back home! 

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