It’s a Process

I keep imagining I can do more, I keep waiting to be able to do more. But I can’t do more yet, because recovery is a process. It takes time. That’s what my friends reminded me of with a delicious gift this morning. 

I was so pleasantly surprised to get this sweet treat along with bagels for me and the family. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude! Thank you!

It was a busy weekend, celebrating my grandmother’s 93rd(?) birthday. Unfortunately she won’t remember it but I was glad to be there nonetheless.

In the evening the children made a fort and we watched a Christmas movie. 

And today was the girl’s piano recital. 

But truthfully I spent most of the weekend sitting around and resting. I’ve been doing my PT exercises and lymphatic massage. I’m hoping it’s been making things better, but I’ve been feeling pretty achy, especially in my neck and head, and my stomach had been upset too. Maybe this is a side effect? Or maybe the ibuprofen is irritating my stomach? I will ask tomorrow at my next appointment. The bottom line is I just want to feel better already. Tomorrow will be two weeks…how much longer will this last? 


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