The Best I Can Do

I said to Matt last night that I just want to turn a corner without getting mugged. 

I barely ate today for fear of getting sick again. My stomach was pained but got a tiny bit better as the day went on. I had my echocardiogram and thankfully my heart looks healthy and strong. That’s one positive piece of news. 

I was also visited by a friend bearing gifts, many gifts from my students at school, and this beautiful homemade gift from her. Thank you my friend! I’m touched that my students even remember me at this point! It will be fun getting to know them again in January. 

I have a lot on my mind, and I’m making an effort to ensure my mind/body connection is healthy and secure. I need to be as whole again as I can be when I return to work. Will I be rid of digestive troubles? Maybe not. Will all of my long term side effects suddenly disappear? No, not likely. But being present right now keeps worry and fear at bay. That’s the best I can do.

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