
What a perfect day to lay in bed (or in my case in my recliner). It was rainy and balmy, and a great day to make soup. 

The boys spent the day walking outdoors while the girls spent the day indoors, reading and resting. I’ve become quite the homebody. I’ve been reading Kate Bowler’s memoir, Everything Happens For A Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved. I highly recommend this book if you’ve ever questioned why anything has happened in your life and where was God at that moment. It’s a huge wake up call from the prosperity gospel mindset that if you just pray hard enough, do the right things, and confess your wrongdoing, God will bless you with all the health and wealth you desire. 

She even has some great advice on things never to say to people experiencing tough times. Here are a few good ones: 

I spent the time reading in my chair with this wonderful gift. My dear friend made me these fabulous pillows to prop up my arms and they are also great to hold my ice pack in place. Thank you my birthday twin!

Finally the rain stopped and the sun broke through just enough to raise my spirits one last time before the setting sun. Thank you God for this beautiful day and the chance to see it. I’m so grateful. 

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