Talking Hands

I was talking to my mom earlier and I realized I was not only talking with my hands but they were up high in the air. I immediately apologized and told her I wasn’t yelling at her with my hands, I just had them raised because I couldn’t really put my arm down! 

I am still very sore and swollen, much more than I thought I would be at this point. The naproxen is helping to keep the headaches and aching pain at bay temporarily, but I can’t fully drop my shoulder because of the arm pain in the back and lumpy swelling in the front. I feel like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, hobbling across my house and grunting in agony  

Thankfully I received a call today from a physical therapy office at the request of my surgeon, and thank God not a moment too soon. They want to do an assessment for lymphedema therapy, so I am going tomorrow! Hopefully I will learn more how to get over this swelling and pain and find some relief on the other side. 

In the meantime, I keep the ice on and hopes up.

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