You Win Some, You Lose Some

It’s been a real pleasure to get some (though not all) of my taste buds back. Eating solid food is like getting together with that old friend you’ve known for years. You don’t always see them, and maybe you keep in touch with each other by email, text, or dm, but when you do get together it’s like time never passed. You pick up right where you left off and have the best time! That’s my win…the Tom Yum Noodle soup I had on Friday when we went for Thai, the spanikopita I got yesterday from the Greek place in Cranbury, and the sushi I had for dinner with Matt’s delicious scrambled eggs. 

But then your mom tells you your hair is too greasy, and you know it’s time to wash it, but you don’t want to because you know what will happen…you lose some. And you do…a lot. 

Just from the washing

And then what you shake off during the combing

I know. Just hair. Sure.

You win some, you lose some. It’s a silly game of balance this cancer thing. It forces you to think about what you really care about. What do you really care about? Your hair? Your job? Your family? Your car? Your phone? Your faith? Food for thought. 

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