New Girl, Who Dis?

I have no idea how this bounce back happens. When I hear chemotherapy, I think of the horror stories of debilitating symptoms and side effects. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s no cake walk. The fatigue post-treatment is unreal and this eating imbalance is pretty unbearable. The hair loss, skin changes, brain fog, not to mention the effect on your daily life and relationships.  

But here I am, getting ready for bed at 10 pm wondering how I made it through the day. I woke up at 6 am, spent the day with 19 five year olds, left work at 4pm and came home to my own two beauties, then I did taekwondo training this evening! And I wasn’t even tired! I only had a smoothie for breakfast, a juice and protein drink at work, and two gluten-free waffles for dinner. 

Where is this strength and energy coming from? I have no clue. But I will soak it up and live life as fully as I can…especially before I am down for the count again. 

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