Work & Rest

This will be my story in the coming months. Work and rest. Today was orientation in my classroom and I was so excited to meet the parents and their beautiful children entrusted to me for the year. 

Primped and ready to go!

Thankfully I had enough energy for this classroom extravaganza. After a couple of hours, though, I was wiped! It was good to see how much my body could take before I had to call it quits. 

I came home for a hard nap, and this little Pepper kept me company. 

The hard part will be letting myself take a rest without feeling like I’m letting anyone down. I know my health comes first, it’s always easy to say that, but we as humans always push the limits of what we can do and should do. I just need to say yes to me and my health, and everything else comes second. Please pray that I can graciously find that limit. 

Dinner was a bust, my taste buds are already flipping on me, and so the food spiral begins again. But at least I got a walk in with this awesome crew and managed to get over 10K steps! Go me! I’m tired. It’s time for bed!!

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