Would You Rather

Would you rather have good eyes or a good stomach? I’m stuck now between a rock and a hard place, but really I’m stuck with no choice. I began taking the medicine for my eyes yesterday afternoon. The orders are for a 1/2 pill three times a day for one week. The doctor made it clear it may not happen right away, and it may take more than a week, at which time I up the dose to a full pill three times a day. Whatever the success rate, I’m potentially bound to taking these pills for the long term in order to prevent the neuromuscular blockage from relapsing. However, the unfortunate side effect (as you and I both know by now, there’s always a side effect) just so happens to be stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea…blah blah blah. Yep, the domperidone took the stomach pains away and makes my food go down, and the pyridostigmine makes it hurt more and makes me not want to eat! Go figure. 

So today after radiation I sat down on the sofa again, waiting out the fatigue. I was waiting a long time. I made a lovely lunch for the children, who were home from school, and I ate a solid bowl of food, with the consequence of stomach pain and bathroom visits. 

I still can’t see well, and I’m still trying to eat. But I’m also trying to add some humor to this pretty miserable experience. 

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