What the Day Brings

I've wasted a lot of hours questioning and resisting my fatigue. Why am I so tired? What's the explanation for it? Was it something that I ate? Was it the quality (or lack of quality) sleep? Is it the weather? Did I do something the day before? Sometimes I just can't explain it, and that can be frustrating, especially when we are highly trained in American society to push beyond our exhaustion and do something. But I have been learning over these many months at home to settle down into my fatigue, to show myself some grace and simply accept that today is a tired day and to just live in my tiredness for the time being. It won't last forever, so I have to take the day as it is, and hope that tomorrow brings me more energy. 

Today brought me a special gift instead - I was gifted a visit from a dear friend and that brightened my heart and filled my soul! Sometimes God entwines your spirit with people who complement you, whose values and energy so closely match your own. Thank you, my friend, for coming to see me, for "hearing" me (I owe you $300, at $150 per hour!), and for always being yourself.

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