The Day After

What do you do the day after your birthday? You go to the doctor of course. This time just for an annual check-up (not like I haven’t been checking up all along), but it was good to keep my GP in the loop and to hear her concern for my mental, as well as my physical, health. She encouraged me to find someone to talk to about everything I’ve been going through, and to get some exercise, like walking, into my routine. Check and check.

It was a busy day after the appointment, with a squash tournament and town parade and amusement fair. We had front row seats, like watching the Coronation parade go by, just without the rain (and much less pomp and circumstance). 

Finally we closed out the day with some delicious ice cream! 

I got plenty of sunshine and steps for the day…now it’s time for these old bones to rest! 

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