Well, the whole house buying experience has been fruitful, but only from a learning perspective. We canceled the contract we were in because the house was falling apart before our eyes and becoming more expensive by the day. I am happy that we didn't move forward because the experience has taught me that I don't really want to buy a house right now.
So, we are renting! We live in a big, old house. It turns out to be a Sears Model home. Between 1908 and 1940, Sears sold homes from a catalog that you could have built or build yourself. You purchased various parts and could customize it however you wanted. The house we live in is the Lexington Model and was purchased between 1927 and 1932 for around $4,000. It's a lovely home with some nice old features and some updates as well.

I don't know when our next purchase will be, but for now, we're just relaxing in a rental!