I arrived in Bennington, Vermont 3 days ago for their
MATSL program. I cannot say enough good things about it. But as with any good Master's degree program, it comes with it's share of blood and sweat. This is my take on it...
I arrived on Sunday, July 9th - uncertain but excited. How is it going to go? Well, my journal entry from Monday morning gives an idea of my mindset.
I am truly blessed among all people. I am in the midst of a beautiful experience. Right now I am in Bennington Vermont. It is my first full day here....So yesterday was quite a whirlwind of information - an orientation above all....the Lord saw fit to open my eyes earlier this morning with the song of His birds! Some birds have taken up residence just above my window, so I've been greeted by the early bird - inspired by God to awaken and begin their day's work.This is the view from my dorm room. What a great place to be!
I have to admit, I'm loving the routine - wake up, eat breakfast, go to class, take a break, go to class, eat lunch, go to class, take a break, go to class, eat dinner, study, go to bed - every day! No TV, no shopping, no running around doing useless stuff...it's just lovely.

This is where I eat everyday. By the way, very good vegetarian food...making my belly super happy!
I must get back to studying - gotta hit the books before they hit me!! To be continued...
A bientôt.